
Selasa, 08 April 2008

Ambon Damsel Pomacentrus amboinensis Bleeker, 1868

The Ambon Damsel can be recognised by its colouration. It is yellow to pale mauve with dark scale margins. There is a spot at the top of the operculum and another on the upper pectoral fin base. The head has pink to blue blotches. Juveniles have an ocellus on the soft dorsal fin. The ocellus fades as the fish grows.

The Ambon Damsel grows to 11 cm in length.

It occurs mostly on coral reefs in tropical marine waters of the Indo-Pacific.

In Australia it is known from off north-western Western Australia, around the north of the country and south to the northern coast of New South Wales. Juveniles have been recorded as far south as the central coast of New South Wales.

View a map of the collecting localities of specimens in the Australian Museum Fish Collection.

The Ambon Damsel is also known as the Amboina Damselfish, Amboina Demoiselle and the Pallid Damsel-fish.

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