
Selasa, 08 April 2008

Rhinoptera neglecta

The Australian Cownose Ray is easily recognised by its unusual bi-lobed head. Under the snout are two large fleshy lobes. These are often mistaken as the entrance to the mouth. The mouth however, is on the ventral surface (underneath) the fish. The flat, plate-like teeth are used to crush and grind crustaceans and other invertebrates.

The Australian Cownose Ray is dark greyish dorsally (on top) and white ventrally (underneath). It has a single dorsal fin, and a whip-like tail, with one or more serrated spines near the base. The spines have been damaged in the specimen in the images, and are not visible.

This species has been recorded along the east coast of Australia, from Cairns, northern Queensland (16oS) to Newcastle, New South Wales, (32oS). The fish in the images was caught near Wattamolla, New South Wales, (33oS) and is a new southern record for the species. It was captured in April 1999, and brought to the Fish Section by D. Reid of NSW Fisheries. It is a male, 1120cm in length, 85.5cm across the pectoral fins (the "wings"), and weighing approximately 13kg.

The family Rhinopteridae contains only one genus, Rhinoptera, with ten species found in tropical and subtropical seas worldwide. They are most abundant in coastal waters and often enter estuaries. Only one species of cownose ray has been reliably recorded from Australia. Reports of the Javanese Cownose Ray, Rhinoptera javanica Müller & Henle, 1841, occurring in Australian waters are yet to be confirmed.

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